Proper Treatment 正當作法/ blog/ posts/ From walking to zipping, Part 3: Caught in a zipper
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2008-08-17 19:19

In two previous posts, we saw how to walk right, down, and up through a hierarchical value. At each step of the walk, the visitor may inspect the part of the value at the current location and change it if desired. The visitor may operate in any monad, such as IO, so the inspection may occur by printing to standard output and the change may be directed from standard input. This third and final post of the series shows how to walk left. Again, you can download this post as a program.

{-# OPTIONS -W -fglasgow-exts #-}
module WalkZip3 where
import WalkZip1
import WalkZip2
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(lift))
import Control.Monad.Cont (ContT(ContT), runContT)
import Control.Monad.Error (Error(noMsg), ErrorT(runErrorT), throwError)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.Generics (Data)
import Text.Show.Functions ()

Judson's original 1893 clasp-unlocker patent for opening and closing shoes.

In this post, we focus on a particular monad: not IO but what we call the Zipper monad. A computation in the Zipper monad either finishes with a value, or produces some output and awaits some input interactively. The output is the current value of a part, along with the incoming direction from which the walk arrived at the part. The input is the outgoing direction to which the walk should continue from the part, and optionally a new value for the part.

data Zipper from to part a
   = Done a
   | Stop from part (Maybe part -> to -> Zipper from to part a)
   deriving Show

instance Monad (Zipper from to part) where
  return                 = Done
  Done a           >>= k = k a
  Stop from part c >>= k = Stop from part c'
    where c' part' to = c part' to >>= k

The Zipper monad is designed to be the reification of a walk. That is, we can turn any walk over a value into a Zipper computation without losing any information. As you might expect, this reification amounts to an inversion of control using the continuation monad transformer (ContT in the monad transformer library): we pass a special visitor to the walk (visit below) that captures the continuation of the visit into a Stop computation.

zipper :: Walk from to part whole -> whole
       -> Zipper from to part (Maybe whole)
zipper walk whole = runContT (walk visit whole) return
  where visit from part = ContT (Stop from part . curry)

In short, a zipper is a suspended walk. To continue the example at the end of the previous post in this series, let us use this zipper function to walk through term. Recall that term is (λx.xx)(λx.xx). When we convert the walk to a Zipper using zipper, we no longer need to direct the walk right away. Instead, we get a value that we can use to continue the walk at our leisure. Let’s call this value start.

start = zipper (throughout (stop Before)) term

*WalkZip3> :type start
start :: Zipper (Exit Before) (Enter After) Term (Maybe Term)
*WalkZip3> start
Stop (Exit False Before)
     (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))

As the last line above shows, the suspended walk start has arrived at the entirety of the term from the left. To continue this walk, we define a convenience function continue, which simply extracts the continuation from a Zipper that is at a Stop.

continue :: Zipper from to part whole -> Maybe part -> to
         -> Zipper from to part whole
continue (Done _)     = error "Zipper is done, not at a stop"
continue (Stop _ _ c) = c

Taking advantage of the fact that GHCi always binds the variable it to the last expression evaluated, we can conduct the same walk as at the end of the previous post.

*WalkZip3> continue start Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit False Before) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (A (V "x") (V "x")) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it (Just (V "x")) Enter
Stop (Exit True Before) (V "x") <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True Before) (L "x" (V "x")) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True Before) (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (A (V "x") (V "x")) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True Before) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit False Before) (L "x" (V "x")) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True Before) (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x"))) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Done (Just (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (V "x"))))

(Exercise: write a convenience function for the special case of continue that corresponds to entering a blank line at the keyboard.)

What Zipper lets us do that we couldn’t do before is to go off and do something else at any step. We can resume a suspended walk as long as we keep a Zipper value around to represent it. In fact, we can resume the same suspended walk multiple times (or not at all), just as we can invoke any other function multiple times (or not at all). For example, we can continue from the same start in two different ways, and switch to one way whenever we get tired of the other. Such multiprocessing is one of the earliest applications discovered for continuations.

*WalkZip3> continue start (Just (A (V "y") (V "z"))) Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (V "y") <function>
*WalkZip3> let saved = it
*WalkZip3> continue start (Just (L "x" (V "x"))) Enter
Stop (Exit False Before) (V "x") <function>
*WalkZip3> let saved' = it
*WalkZip3> continue saved Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit False Before) (V "z") <function>
*WalkZip3> continue saved' Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True Before) (L "x" (V "x")) <function>
*WalkZip3> continue saved Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit True Before) (V "y") <function>

Reifying walks into zippers turns out to be the key to walking to the left. Our goal in the rest of this post is to add the red arrow “To Back” in the following local picture of a walk—


—or equivalently, to add the red arrows in the following global picture of a walk.


Intuitively, to walk left is to backtrack from walking right, so a first approximation to walking left is to save up a bunch of suspended walks—one for each previously encountered stop to the left of our current location—and resume them in last-in-first-out order as necessary. However, when we backtrack to the left, we need to make sure not to lose any changes to the data that we might have made on the right. To avoid losing the changes, we record them in a data structure that we call Diff.

data Diff part to = Diff (Maybe part) to (Diff part to)

A Diff value is a serial record of a visitor’s behavior over the course of a walk. It is best to think of the definition of Diff above as an infinite list of pairs, each a move by the visitor. The first component, of type Maybe part, is an optional new part. The second component, of type to, is an outgoing direction. If we draw this infinite list as a tree, then to move from the list to a suffix of it is to go down the tree.

Even though a Diff is an infinite data structure, it is convenient to be able to show it. We show just the top 3 levels.

instance (Show part, Show to) => Show (Diff part to) where
  showsPrec = loop 3 where
    loop 0 _ _ = showString "..."
    loop l d (Diff part to diff) = showParen (d > 0)
      $ showString "Diff " . showsPrec 11 part . showChar ' '
      . showsPrec 11 to . showString " $ " . loop (l - 1) 0 diff

An empty (initial) Diff record is a visitor that keeps moving to the right without making any changes.

same :: (To to) => Diff part to
same = Diff Nothing after same

*WalkZip3> same :: Diff part After
Diff Nothing After $ Diff Nothing After $ Diff Nothing After $ ...

*WalkZip3> same :: Diff part (Enter After)
Diff Nothing (To After) $
Diff Nothing (To After) $
Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...

Given a Zipper, we can replay any Diff against it: just pass successive records in the Diff to successive continuations offered by the Zipper, until the Zipper is Done.

replay :: Zipper from to part whole -> Diff part to -> whole
replay (Done whole) _                   = whole
replay (Stop _ _ c) (Diff part to diff) = replay (c part to) diff

For example, we can replay the Diff called same against the Zipper called start. Not surprisingly, such a replay yields no changes to the term.

*WalkZip3> replay start same

Other Diffs are more exciting to replay. We can replace the entire term, for instance.

*WalkZip3> replay start (Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) same)
Just (V "v")

Or we can replace just the first subterm.

*WalkZip3> replay start (Diff Nothing Enter $
                         Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) $ same)
Just (A (V "v") (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))

In fact, we can do much better: given a Zipper, we can not only replay a Diff passively, but more generally walk through a Diff actively. That is, we can change a Diff while replaying it against a Zipper. After all, a Diff is just a tree structure, whose parts are its suffixes when regarded as a list of moves. Therefore, we can walk through a Diff in the directions we have already built: walking down means to move into the future, whereas walking right or up means to move into the past. If the visitor to the Diff changes it during the walk, then we simply replay the new Diff in place of the old one. The walkDiff function below converts a zipper into such a walk.

walkDiff :: (To to) => Zipper from to part whole
         -> Walk (Exit (Zipper from to part whole))
                 (Enter After) (Diff part to) (Diff part to)
walkDiff zipper = stop zipper `around`
  \visit ~(Diff part to diff) -> case zipper of
    Done _ -> return Nothing
    Stop _ _ c -> liftM (liftM (Diff part to))
                        (walkDiff (c part to) visit diff)

In this walk, the type of incoming directions is that of a Zipper. This way, every time we stop at a Diff, the visitor can use information about the current location to decide what to do. To replay the Diff, we pass its part and to components to the continuation c in the Zipper (on the last line in the code above).

To recap, we can reify any walk into a zipper, and we can convert any zipper into a walk over a Diff. To try this out, let’s convert start into a walk over same, then reify this walk into a zipper.

*WalkZip3> zipper (walkDiff start) same
Stop (Exit False (Stop (Exit False Before)
                       (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

All this nesting looks scary, but it merely repeats what we put in: the first half of the output above is start, and the second half is same. We can now replay same against start step by step and meddle in it as we please, as in a debugger. If we are happy with the current Diff, namely same, we can take one step forward in the replay. To step forward in the replay is to go down (that is, Enter) the Diff.

*WalkZip3> continue (zipper (walkDiff start) same) Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False (Done Nothing))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

The first line in the output above shows that the replay has completed. The result is Nothing, just as when we evaluated replay start same above. If that’s not exciting enough, we can edit the Diff before stepping forward. For example, let us edit the Diff so that it starts by entering the term rather than going right through it.

*WalkZip3> continue (zipper (walkDiff start) same)
                    (Just (Diff Nothing Enter same))
Stop (Exit False (Stop (Exit False Before)
                       (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

In the output above, the first half is the Zipper after one step of replay, and the second half is the Diff after one step of replay. Note that we are now at the first subterm. We can take another step forward in the replay, without editing the Diff this time, to move to the second subterm.

*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False (Stop (Exit False Before)
                       (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

That looks like the same output, but we are now at the second subterm. Let’s edit the Diff here to edit the Term here.

*WalkZip3> continue it
                    (Just (Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) same))
Stop (Exit False (Stop (Exit True Before)
                       (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (V "v"))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

In the first line of the output, Exit True Before tells us that the Zipper has returned to the top level of the term (by moving right from the second and last subterm). On the second line is the new term, in which the second subterm of the term has changed to V "v". If we like this new term, there are two ways to finish up. First, if we just step forward once more in the replay, then we reach the end of the replay and recover the final term.

*WalkZip3> let changed = it

*WalkZip3> continue changed Nothing Enter
Stop (Exit False (Done (Just (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (V "v")))))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)

The rest of the infinite number of moves in same remain unused as shown by the second component of Stop above. Second, if we keep stepping back in the replay—by stepping up (or equivalently, right) in the walk over our Diff—then we gradually undo our changes to the term but retain them in the changes to the Diff. Watch the Diffs returned below as we build an increasingly non-same list of moves.

*WalkZip3> continue changed Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True (Stop (Exit False Before)
                      (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
     (Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True (Stop (Exit False Before)
                      (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
     (Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $ ...)
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Stop (Exit True (Stop (Exit False Before)
                      (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))
     (Diff Nothing Enter $
      Diff Nothing (To After) $
      Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) $ ...)
*WalkZip3> continue it Nothing (To After)
Done (Just (Diff Nothing Enter $
            Diff Nothing (To After) $
            Diff (Just (V "v")) (To After) $ ...))

Finally—on the last three lines above—we get an updated Diff containing the history of all the changes we made to the term. At any point above, we could have switched from stepping back in the replay to stepping forward again (in other words, switched from stepping out of the Diff to stepping in again), and our recorded changes would have been reinstated. This reinstatement of a historical record of changes is what we need to walk left without losing changes to the right.

We are in the home stretch now. All that’s left to do is to package up the insights demonstrated interactively above into a function that adds a Back direction to any traversal. Let’s define a new data type of outgoing directions.

data BackForth to = Back | Forth to
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

instance (To to) => To (BackForth to) where
  after = Forth after

instance (Next from to) => Next from (BackForth to) where
  next = Forth . next

Now we are ready for the backForth function, which turns any walk with outgoing direction type to into a walk with outgoing direction type BackForth to. In other words, backForth adds a new outgoing direction (namely Back) to any walk.

backForth :: (To to) => Walk from to part whole
                     -> Walk from (BackForth to) part whole
backForth walk visit whole
  = liftM (either id (>>= replay za))
          (runErrorT (walkDiff za visit' same))
    za = zipper walk whole
    visit' (Exit _ (Done whole)) _ = throwError whole
    visit' (Exit _ (Stop from part _))
           (Diff partD toD diffD) = do
      (part, to) <- lift (visit from (fromMaybe part partD))
      let diff' | isJust part = Just (Diff part toD diffD)
                | otherwise   = Nothing
      return (case to of
                Back -> (diff', after)
                Forth to -> (if to == toD then diff'
                             else Just (Diff part to same),

The main body of this definition (liftM (...) (...)) deals with the two ways in which a walk returned by backForth may terminate. They correspond to the two ways to “finish up” discussed above.

  1. The first way is to reach the end of the replay, which means that we have walked off the right edge of the whole. In that case, we are deep inside a traversal over a Diff, so we stop that traversal promptly by throwing an exception using throwError in the sum monad transformer (ErrorT in the monad transformer library).

  2. The second way is to reach the beginning of the reply, which means that we have walked off the left edge of the whole. In that case, we have an updated Diff and simply replay it against the original whole.

The rest of the code, in particular the auxiliary definition of visit', converts a visitor to the whole that may ask to go either Back or Forth into a visitor to the Diff that may ask to go either up or down.

To support our use of the sum monad transformer, because Haskell’s Monad class includes the extra member error, we need to define how to make an error value of type Maybe whole. We don’t actually use this definition.

instance Error (Maybe whole) where noMsg = Nothing

It’s time to put it all together. Recall from the first post that gwalk (stop Before) is a walk that traverses the immediate parts of a whole by moving right at every step. For demonstration, let’s define walkTerm to be the special case where the parts and the whole are both λ-terms.

walkTerm :: Walk Before After Term Term
walkTerm = gwalk (stop Before)

*WalkZip3> walkTerm keyboard term
Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Just (V "y"), After)
Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Just (A (V "y") (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))

Applying backForth to walkTerm enables it to move left as well as right.

*WalkZip3> backForth walkTerm keyboard term
Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Just (V "y"), Forth After)
Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Just (V "z"), Back)
Before: V "y"
Before: V "z"
Just (A (V "y") (V "z"))

Applying throughout to backForth walkTerm enables it to move up and down as well as left and right.

*WalkZip3> throughout (backForth walkTerm) keyboard term
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit False Before: V "x"
? (Just (V "y"), To Back)
Exit False Before: V "x"
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit False Before: V "y"
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "y"))
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Just (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "y"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))

Generalizing this development, we define a generic function to walk through any data structure in all four directions.

through :: (Data a) => Walk (Exit Before) (Enter (BackForth After)) a a
through = stop' `around` throughout (backForth (gwalk stop'))
  where stop' visit = liftM fst . visit before

The final test below produces the same output as the previous test, except it starts and ends at the top level with the entire value.

*WalkZip3> through keyboard term
Exit False Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
Exit False Before: V "x"
Exit True Before: V "x"
Exit False Before: V "x"
? (Just (V "y"), To Back)
Exit False Before: V "x"
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit False Before: V "y"
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit True Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "y"))
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit False Before: L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))
? (Nothing, To (Forth After))
Exit True Before: A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "y"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x")))
Just (A (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "y"))) (L "x" (A (V "x") (V "x"))))

To conclude, this series of posts has presented a notion of traversal that is generic in the type of directions and the monad of visits. Starting with unrelenting forward movement, such traversals can be transformed in several ways:

  1. A fixpoint operation adds vertical movement.
  2. A reification operation turns a traversal into a zipper by inverting control.
  3. Traversing a historical record of changes, replayed against a zipper, adds backward movement.