Proper Treatment 正當作法/ blog/ posts/ Implementing circularity using metaprogramming/ discussion 討論
2010-04-25 12:03

Hello Chung-chieh!

This is a nice algorithm, but I’m not sure I understand why you claim
that it avoids traversing the tree twice. Let’s look at an example.
Assume t is the following tree.

(Branch (Branch (Leaf 1, Leaf 2), Leaf 3))

then ( repmin t ) reduces in a couple of steps to

  let make =                                                                                                        
    .! .< fun future ->                                                                                             
       (Branch (Branch (Leaf future, Leaf future), Leaf future)) >.                                                 
    make 1

which reduces to (modulo some simplification):

let make future = (Branch (Branch (Leaf future, Leaf future), Leaf future))                                       
    in make 1

Now to execute (make 1) you will have to traverse the tree

(Branch (Branch (Leaf future, Leaf future), Leaf future)).

If that’s the case the difference between the obvious
non-meta-programming algorithm for implementing the specification and
your proposed algorithm is not in the number of tree traversals, but
in how many of these traversals have to be programmed explicitly.
