In the last post in this series, we figured out:
If the integers from 1 to 999,999,999 are written as words in numerical order and concatenated, what is the 51 billionth letter?
The goal of this final post is to figure out:
If the integers from 1 to 999,999,999 are written as words in alphabetical order and concatenated, what is the 51 billionth letter?
For example, if we write the integers from 1 to 3 as words in alphabetical order and concatenate them, then we get “onethreetwo”, so the 51 billionth letter is… well, there is no 51 billionth letter.
Still we plunge ahead. As before, you can download this post as a program.
{-# OPTIONS -W -fglasgow-exts #-} module WordNumbers4 where import WordNumbers1 import WordNumbers2 import WordNumbers3 (volume) import Prelude hiding ((+), (*), sum, product) import qualified Data.Map as M
To put our 999,999,999 strings into alphabetical order, we use a most-significant-digit radix sort. That is, we group the strings by their first letter, then further divide each group of strings by their second letter, and so on. The result of this recursive grouping is a tree whose edges are each labeled by a letter and whose nodes are inhabited by strings. This tree is also called a trie.
At each node in this tree, the outgoing edges are sorted by their letter labels. Therefore, given the tree, we can recover a sorted list of strings by traverse it from left to right in prefix order. Of course, rather than traversing the tree, we actually want to descend into it by binary search. Hence, we build the tree lazily and record at each node not just the strings inhabiting that node but also the sum of the strings inhabiting all descendants of that node. Accordingly, we define the following data type.
data Trie c m = Trie { total :: m, label :: m, children :: M.Map c (Trie c m) } deriving (Eq, Show)
The type variable c
above is the type of letters,
and the type variable m
is the type of node labels, so
the children
field of a Trie
maps letters
to tries. The total
of a Trie
should be
the sum of the label
s of all of its nodes; in other
words, if t
is a Trie
then it should
satisfy the invariant
total t == label t + sum (map total (M.elems (children t)))
Now we want Trie Char m
to be an instance of
and Seminearring
is. It is easy to define the Character
instance: the char
method simply builds a stump for a
instance (Monoid m, Character m) => Character (Trie Char m) where char c = Trie r zero (M.singleton c (Trie r r M.empty)) where r = char c
To define the Seminearring
instance for
, we first need to define the Monoid
instance because Monoid
is a superclass of
. The Monoid
instance for
is easy to define given a Monoid
instance for Map
instance (Ord k, Monoid v) => Monoid (M.Map k v) where zero = M.empty (+) = M.unionWith (+) instance (Ord c, Monoid m) => Monoid (Trie c m) where zero = Trie zero zero zero Trie t1 e1 r1 + Trie t2 e2 r2 = Trie (t1 + t2) (e1 + e2) (r1 + r2)
The Seminearring
instance for Trie
easy to define given a Module
instance for
. As a minor optimization, we check for the special
case of scaling a map by zero
: in that case, we return
an empty map rather than a map full of zero
instance (Ord k, Eq r, Seminearring r) => Module r (M.Map k r) where r *> m | r == zero = M.empty | otherwise = fmap (r *) m m <* r | r == zero = M.empty | otherwise = fmap (* r) m
The multiplication operation on tries is crucially not symmetric, like string concatenation.
instance (Ord c, Eq m, Seminearring m) => Seminearring (Trie c m) where one = Trie one one zero Trie t1 e1 r1 * r@(Trie t2 e2 r2) = Trie (t1 * t2) (e1 * e2) (r1 <* r + e1' *> r2) where e1' = Trie e1 e1 M.empty `asTypeOf` r
We test these instances using the integers from 1 to 3.
*WordNumbers4> strings "one two three" :: Trie Char [String] Trie {total = ["one","two","three"], label = [], children = fromList [('o',Trie {total = ["one"], label = [], children = fromList [('n',Trie {total = ["one"], label = [], children = fromList [('e',Trie {total = ["one"], label = ["one"], children = fromList []})]})]}), ('t',Trie {total = ["two","three"], label = [], children = fromList [('h',Trie {total = ["three"], label = [], children = fromList [('r',Trie {total = ["three"], label = [], children = fromList [('e',Trie {total = ["three"], label = [], children = fromList [('e',Trie {total = ["three"], label = ["three"], children = fromList []})]})]})]}), ('w',Trie {total = ["two"], label = [], children = fromList [('o',Trie {total = ["two"], label = ["two"], children = fromList []})]})]})]}
We could also generate node labels of type Count
of type Deriv Count Volume
, by replacing the type
in the expression above.
Let us now implement binary search over the trie. We keep a
running tally of the node label skipped over so far, and compare
the tally to the target using a callback function. The search
returns two results: (1) the sequence of edge labels on the path
from the root node to the target node; (2) the sum of the labels of
all nodes to the left of the target node (inclusive). These two
results correspond to the two accumulating arguments of the helper
functions searchTrie
and searchMap
defined locally below.
search :: (Monoid m) => (m -> Bool) -> Trie Char m -> (String, m) search stop = searchTrie [] zero where searchTrie cs m t | stop m' = (reverse cs, m') | otherwise = searchMap cs m' (M.assocs (children t)) where m' = m + label t searchMap cs m ((c,t):cts) | stop m' = searchTrie (c:cs) m t | otherwise = searchMap cs m' cts where m' = m + total t searchMap _ _ [] = error "Fell off the end of a child list"
The types Char
and String
above could
be generalized to c
and [c]
, but we give
the more specific type to avoid some type
signatures below.
(Brandon Michael Moore’s solution to the puzzle inspires the
following exercise: revise search
to return a zipper at the target location rather than an
ordered pair, so that the user of search
can easily
acquire any information desired near the target location.)
Using this binary search, we can find the first string in the sorted list…
*WordNumbers4> search (>= Nat 1) ten9 ("eight",1)
… as easily as the last string or the middle one.
*WordNumbers4> search (>= Nat 999999999) ten9 ("twothousandtwohundredtwo",999999999) *WordNumbers4> search (>= Nat 500000000) ten9 ("onehundredonemilliononehundredseventhousandtwohundredtwentyone",500000000)
In these searches, ten9
takes the type Trie
Char Count
. To query the trie by counting strings rather
than characters, we use ten9
at the type Trie
Char (Deriv Count Volume)
*WordNumbers4> search ((>= 51000000000) . volume) ten9 ("sixhundredseventysixmillionsevenhundredfortysixthousandfivehundredseventyfive",Deriv 723302492 51000000000)
The number 51000000000
at the end of the output
above confirms ITA Software’s assertion that
The 51 billionth letter also completes the spelling of an integer.
But wait, we’re not done yet! The original problem statement goes on to ask:
Which one, and what is the sum of all the integers to that point?
We have only answered the first half of this question. To answer the second half, we need to keep track of not just the count (number of strings) and volume (number of characters) of a set of strings but also the sum of a set of integers at the same time. We call this sum the mass. Luckily for us, the mass is a derivative just as the volume is: we can treat the list of strings
as a polynomial in two variables x and y, whose first few terms are
x3y1 + x3y2 + x5y3 + x4y4 + x4y5 + …
As before, if we evaluate this polynomial at x = y = 1, we get the count. Also as before, if we evaluate its derivative with respect to x at x = y = 1, we get the volume. What’s new is that, if we evaluate its derivative with respect to y at x = y = 1, we get the mass!
To solve ITA’s puzzle in full, then, we use the seminearring
defined as follows.
data M type Mass = Wrap M (Nat Integer) type Measure = Deriv Count (Volume, Mass)
To keep track of two derivatives (volume and mass) at the same
time, we need to write a boring Module
instance for
instance (Module r a, Module r b) => Module r (a,b) where r *> (a,b) = (r *> a, r *> b) (a,b) <* r = (a <* r, b <* r)
The main remaining question is, where does mass come from? A letter by itself has count 1 and volume 1…
*WordNumbers4> char undefined :: Count 1 *WordNumbers4> char undefined :: Volume 1
… but no mass.
instance Character Mass where char _ = zero *WordNumbers4> char undefined :: Mass 0
After all, nothing in our grammar ten9
the numeric values of the strings. Nothing, that is,
except the order of the strings: recall that
lists strings in numeric order.
*WordNumbers4> take 5 ten9 :: [String] ["one","two","three","four","five"]
What we need to do, then, is to define a new seminearring that
is like Trie Char Measure
except it automatically
assigns the first string in the list the mass 0, the second string
the mass 1, the third string the mass 2, and so on. Let us call
this seminearring Numbered Char
newtype Numbered c = Numbered (Trie c Measure) instance Character (Numbered Char) where char = Numbered . char
The wrapper type Numbered
lets us automate the
assignment of masses to a list of strings, in two steps. First,
when adding two lists of strings together, the mass of
each string in the second list increases by the number of
strings in the first list. This increase is because the string that
used to be at index m in the second list is now at index
n + m in the combined list, where n is
the number of strings in the first list. (More generally, a bunch
of c strings that used to have total mass m in
the second list now have total mass cn + m in the
combined list.)
instance (Ord c) => Monoid (Numbered c) where zero = Numbered zero Numbered a + Numbered b = Numbered (a + fmap f b) where Deriv n _ = total a f (Deriv c (v,m)) = Deriv c (v, Wrap (c * n) + m)
Second, when multiplying two lists of strings together, the mass of each string in the first list is scaled by the number of strings in the second list. This scaling is because the string that used to be at index m in the first list now begins index mn in the combined list, where n is the number of strings in the second list.
instance (Ord c) => Seminearring (Numbered c) where one = Numbered one Numbered a * Numbered b = Numbered (fmap f a * b) where Deriv n _ = total b f (Deriv c (v,m)) = Deriv c (v, m <* n)
These two instance definitions use the fact that
is a Functor
instance Functor (Trie c) where fmap f (Trie t e r) = Trie (f t) (f e) (fmap (fmap f) r)
Done! Because our list of strings begins at “one” rather than
“zero”, we prepend an empty string (“one +
”) to
correct the masses.
answer | target == volume m = (string, mass m) | otherwise = error "The target letter does not end a string" where target = 51000000000 Numbered grammar = one + ten9 (string, m) = search stop grammar stop m = volume m >= target volume (Deriv _ (Wrap (Nat n), _)) = n mass (Deriv _ (_, Wrap (Nat n))) = n
The answer to the puzzle is an ordered pair.
*WordNumbers4> answer ("sixhundredseventysixmillionsevenhundredfortysixthousandfivehundredseventyfive",413540008163475743)
Update: Fixed the trie invariant along with some problems in grammar and indentation.