Proper Treatment 正當作法/ blog/ posts/ Train go sorry/ discussion 討論
2011-07-09 06:02

I think the old lady has a point. I can also understand your position, but you clearly have not fully understood the limitation time was placing on your exchange; and you were blindly “optimistic” in assuming that you could somehow change the fellow, especially in the face of conflicting evidence. You didn’t optimise on communication. I wonder if a similar sensibility to your own would also conclude in similar exasperation, with an imagined list of stupidities which lead all the poor souls to their current predicaments.

I’d love to talk about this, but it may take a while. Do you have time for, say, 10 rounds of exchange here?

This blog post is funny. The guy was being a complete idiot, and you were being a complete dick. Perhaps the real title of your blog post should be “complete trainwreck”

I’d love to talk about this, but it may take a while. Do you have time for, say, 10 rounds of exchange here?

I’d love to talk about this, but it may take a while. Do you have time for, say, 9 rounds of exchange here?
